quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012

Palavra do dia

rapid   Audio Pronunciation   /ˈræpəd/   adjective
(rápido, veloz)
comparative and superlative formsmore rapid; most rapid
1 : happening in a short amount of time happening quickly • arapid [=quick] change in temperature • There’s been rapid growth in the number of new businesses in the town. • Scientists are concerned about the rapid disappearance of the island’s coral reefs.
2 : having a fast rate • a rapid heartbeat • rapid breathing
3 : moving quickly • She carefully guided the boat through the rapidwater.
— rapidity /rəˈpɪdəti/ noun [noncount• Doctors were amazed by the rapidity [=speed] of his recovery.

 rapidly adverb • the rapidly [=quickly] changing temperature • He was breathing rapidly. • Her heart beat rapidly.

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